Why Choose FIU
Join an innovative University with an established position as a leader in graduate education.
Students and alumni from all over the world and all walks of life are making their mark in FIU graduate programs and beyond.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that completed forms are received by the UGS on time and that all deadlines are met. To monitor the status of the forms at UGS, students must log in to https://my.fiu.edu/, and navigate to the Tasks tile.
Currently, all UGS related documents have been moved to electronic submissions.
The online dissertation milestone submission is available for doctoral students. Please refer https://gradschool.fiu.edu/online-dissertation-milestones/.
For thesis forms, revised dissertation/thesis committees and the rest of UGS forms, please do communicate with your academic department/college, as your associate deans will send your PDF files to us. Faculty and students are using Adobe or DocuSign for signature purposes.
For ISSS forms requiring UGS deans signatures, email them to ugs@fiu.edu.
If using DocuSign, please do not include the email addresses of UGS deans as recipients.
Find policies and procedures related to program admission, graduate status, and more.
The below link provides a listing of Graduate Program Directors by program. To request updates, complete the Program Update Form under Program Director’s Resources.
Theses and Dissertations produced by graduate students at Florida International University.