The ability to convey the importance of a research topic and the significance of your scholarly contribution to broad audiences, through academic writing, presentations, and grant proposals is a crucial element of graduate student and subsequent professional success. UGS offers programs open to all FIU graduate students, regardless of the intended post-graduate career track that aim at strengthening and enhancing these skills.
Oral Communication
UGS organizes and facilitates the annual FIU 3MT competition, originally established by the University of Queensland (UQ) and now expanded to over 200 universities worldwide. 3MT competition cultivates students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills. Presenting in a 3MT competition increases their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience held in over 200 universities worldwide. It challenges participants to present their research in just 180 seconds.
Drawing on the expertise of the Center of Excellence in Writing (CEW), the FIU faculty and its own Office of Fellowships and Training, the University Graduate School UGS offers programs, individual workshops, and one on one consultations aimed at improving graduate student writing skills in different areas relevant to their professional development.
Dissertation Bootcamp
In collaboration with the FIU Center for Excellence in Writing, UGS hosts a week–long Dissertation Writing Retreat. The Dissertation Writing Retreat is designed to help participants make substantial progress towards completing their dissertation. The goal is to help writers who are stalled, feel off-track, or have a short timeline for graduation. The program takes place twice a year.
Writing Mentoring Program
Overcoming academic writer’s block and writing consistently is crucial for a productive graduate career and beyond. Every semester, FIU Center for Excellence in Writing facilitates a writing mentoring program for students working on dissertations, publications, fellowship applications/grant proposals and other writing projects. Students participate in weekly 3-hour long writing sessions, which are facilitated by CEW graduate writing consultant. The program takes place in Fall and Spring.
UGS Writing Fellows
The goal of the program is to support the writing needs of graduate students across different colleges and programs. Selected advanced doctoral students receive specialized training from the Writing Across Curriculum program and become peer writing group facilitators in their departments for two consecutive semesters. By participating in this role, students gain experience in leading a writing group, strengthen their own writing skills and add to their professional skill toolkit. To find out more, please visit the program description.
Fellowship and Grant Applications
A prestigious national fellowship is a valuable addition to an academic CV and is an important professional validation. For doctoral students, identifying key funders in their respective field and formulating a fundable proposal is a core competency. Moreover, developing a fellowship proposal helps students in clarifying ideas and structure of their research project and how it fits within the broader research field. Through its workshops and individual consultations, UGS Office of Fellowships and Training supports FIU graduate students in their external fellowship applications. For more information, please visit Office of Training and Fellowships – University Graduate School.
Fellowship Workshop Recordings
Additional Communication Resources
Steven Cruz Institute for Media, Science + Technology (SCI)
SCI offers STEM and communication graduate students the opportunity to gain science communication skills in an academic setting through its Science Communication Certificate. Students can also join as affiliates to engage in collaboration and join the SCI network of communication, science, and technology professionals.
Communication Studio at FIU CARTA
The Communication Studio assists FIU students and faculty with their presentation needs. Students can make one on one and group appointments with a peer coach to receive feedback on their presentations. Students can also can get professional coaching to improve their public speaking and interview skills.
Toastmasters @ FIU Business
Toastmasters is dedicated to the development of public speaking skills of its members. In the weekly meetings, members have the opportunity to deliver a speech and get evaluated in front of a live audience. Speak-A-Thons and speech competitions allow students showcase their public speaking skills.