Program Director’s Resources
- Graduate Program Director’s Manual * (Click the icon below to access the manual.)
For training on graduate admissions processes, please contact your assigned graduate evaluator in the Office of Admissions.
- E-Petition User Manual (PDF). To access the eForm, you need the required Java configuration: Installation Instructions
*Updated 8/15/19
Colloquium Enhancement Initiative
The University Graduate School is pleased to announce its 2024-2025 funding initiatives to help enhance the research colloquium efforts of PhD granting units at the university. Information about the initiatives, the proposal process and eligibility criteria, is provided on the form below. The deadline for the 2024-2025 colloquium proposal submission is Friday, July 12, 2024.
Graduate Policies & Procedures
Graduate Catalog
Graduate Faculty Policy
Policies, Procedures, and Implementation
Teaching Graduate Level Courses
Individuals who teach graduate level courses (5000 and above) must be approved by the department chairperson after a review of the individual’s credentials. The expectation is that individuals teaching graduate level courses will hold a terminal degree in the discipline in which they are teaching or in a related discipline and demonstrate a high level of competence in teaching and scholarship.
Substitution for the terminal degree may be granted with documented exceptional experience and/or scholarly or creative activity when approved by the chairperson, the unit dean and the Dean of the University Graduate School.
Graduate Faculty
All faculty who demonstrate continuing scholarship or creative activity are eligible for membership in the Graduate Faculty. Continuing scholarship and creative activity are evidenced and recognized through publications, presentations, performances, exhibits, awards, and competitions. Other considerations include a continuing fulfillment of professional obligations through, for example, manuscript review, journal editorship, national advisory and review panels, and professional society leadership. An important consideration, when applicable, is the success of prior graduate students mentored by the faculty member
Graduate Faculty Term
Appointment to Graduate Faculty does not expire as long as the individual retains their position as departmental faculty. Graduate Faculty status expires when a faculty member leaves or retires from the university.
Thesis or Dissertation Committees
To be eligible to serve as a thesis/dissertation major advisor or member on a thesis or dissertation committee, the individual FIU employee must be a member of the Graduate Faculty.
Teaching Graduate Level Courses
The departmental chairperson will notify the unit dean and the Dean of the University Graduate School of the individuals approved to teach graduate level courses. For individuals who are not tenured or tenure-earning faculty, a copy of the individual’s CV must be filed with the University Graduate School at the time of notification, and prior to the individual teaching the course. Individuals without a terminal degree but with extensive practical experience in a specific area may be proposed by the department, endorsed by the unit dean, and approved by the Dean of the University Graduate School to teach only in that specific area. The graduate dean may solicit a review of the proposed individual’s credentials by three experts in the discipline from outside the University.
An individual who does not hold a post-baccalaureate degree may teach an identified graduate level course only with the specific, prior approval of the departmental chairperson, unit dean and the Dean of the University Graduate School. The approval is specific for the identified course. The graduate dean may solicit a review of the proposed individual’s credentials by three experts in the discipline from outside the University.
Graduate Faculty Appointment
A committee of at least three tenured and tenure-earning faculty within a department who are members of the Graduate Faculty evaluate the credentials of their colleagues seeking appointment or reappointment to the Graduate Faculty.
The departmental committee’s recommendation is forwarded to the chair for a recommendation, if the chair is a member of the Graduate Faculty, or for information, if the chair is not a member of the Graduate Faculty. The departmental recommendation is forwarded to the unit dean for a recommendation. The unit dean forwards the application and recommendation to the graduate dean who will make the final recommendation to the Provost who makes the appointment.
Individuals with joint appointments will be evaluated in the department in which their tenure, or tenure-earning line resides. In these cases, the other units with which they are officially affiliated will be asked for a recommendation on the application.
It is expected that tenured and tenure-earning faculty newly hired at the University will have qualifications appropriate for appointment to the Graduate Faculty. The review process that occurs as part of the search, screen, and appointment process for new faculty will determine eligibility to the Graduate Faculty. Therefore, newly hired tenured and tenure-earning faculty will automatically be appointed to the Graduate Faculty.
Appointments for Individuals who are not Tenured or Tenure-Earning
Individuals who are not tenured or tenure-earning but whose primary appointment is at FIU, whether in a department or a Center or other unit, are eligible to apply for Graduate Faculty membership. Individuals whose primary appointment is at an affiliated organization are also eligible to apply for Graduate Faculty membership. In each case their credentials will be evaluated by the department most closely aligned with their research. If the research is not closely aligned with any particular department, an ad hoc committee of tenured or tenure-earning Graduate Faculty may be appointed by the Dean of the University Graduate School to evaluate their eligibility. Graduate Faculty from an affiliated organization may not serve as the sole major professor for a thesis. Although a student may work extensively with a Graduate Faculty member from an affiliated organization, an FIU employed Graduate Faculty member must be at least a co-advisor for the thesis. The FIU employed co-advisor must be an active participant in the research of the student, and must accept full responsibility for the student should the non-FIU employed co-advisor relinquish his or her responsibilities. The responsibilities of each co-advisor include helping the student to acquire the funds necessary to conduct the research.
Graduate Faculty:
For the initial establishment of the Graduate Faculty, departmental chairs will meet with the unit dean and the graduate dean to identify three departmental members who best exemplify the characteristics of a member of the Graduate Faculty. These individuals will be asked to complete the appointment form, and upon review, the Dean of the University Graduate School will recommend that the Provost appoint these individuals to the Graduate Faculty. These individuals will constitute the initial departmental Graduate Faculty evaluation committee.
Current Students and Advisors:
The Graduate Faculty is being established in order to enhance graduate education at FIU. No current graduate student who has a thesis or dissertation advisor or committee already appointed should be negatively affected by the establishment of the Graduate Faculty. Faculty holding advisor or committee appointments for current students will complete these assignments irrespective of the approval or denial of their applications for membership in the Graduate Faculty or the Graduate Faculty with Dissertation Advisor Status.
Graduate Policy Review Process:
The Graduate Faculty policies and procedures document shall be reviewed each year by the Graduate Council with the intent of modifying or eliminating policies and procedures that prove to be “cumbersome” and to report back to the Senate the status of such review.
Motion 01/02:51:
The Faculty Senate approves the document Graduate Faculty at Florida International University, with its proposed policies and procedures for establishing a Graduate Faculty.
Faculty Eligibility
Graduate Program Administration
Graduate Policies & Procedures
Graduate Faculty Policy
Graduate Faculty Resources
Tenure/Tenure-Earning Faculty
All tenure/tenure-earning faculty automatically receive Graduate Faculty (GF) status. UGS will run a process at the beginning of each term to ensure all faculty on tenure/tenure-earning lines automatically receive GF.
Non-Tenure Earning Faculty
Non-tenure faculty only, the GF application process is completed online by accessing Panther180 at
At the beginning of the fall and spring terms, the UGS will communicate with Department Chairs to:
- Request a list of non-tenure faculty who are scheduled to submit their online GF applications
- Request a list of faculty who will serve on the departmental evaluation committee
Therefore, please be sure to notify your Department Chairs that you will be submitting your online GF application. This will ensure that your Department Chair includes your name in the list of applicants. The call for Fall 2024 GF applications was sent to department chairs on Tuesday, September 3.
Fall 2024 GF Application Deadlines:
Sunday, October 6: Deadline to submit GF application via Panther 180
Monday, October 21: GF Department Evaluation Committee recommendation due via Panther 180 (entered by chair of committee)
Monday, November 4: Department Chair recommendation due via Panther 180
Monday, November 18: Associate Dean recommendation due via Panther 180
*Note: The Committee’s recommendation can only be entered by the chair of the committee. All other members have view-only access.
Should you have any questions, please contact UGS Associate Director Ashley Mendez at or at 305-348-2455.
Graduate Faculty Members
The listing below includes all Graduate Faculty (GF) Members appointed to date. GF applications are due in the fall and spring semesters. See updates related to the GF application timelines under the Graduate Faculty Resources section.
The University established the Graduate Faculty membership to enhance graduate education at FIU. To be eligible to serve as a thesis/dissertation major advisor or member on a thesis or dissertation committee, the individual FIU employee must be a member of the Graduate Faculty.
The Dean of the University Graduate School appoints all dissertation committee members on the recommendation of the department. The committee is comprised of at least four (4) members:
1) At least two of the four must be from the academic department offering the degree
2) At least one must be from another academic department at FIU
3) The fourth member may be from:
a) The academic department offering the degree
b) From another academic department at FIU
c) From outside the institution who has been reviewed and approved by the academic department and the University Graduate School
The major professor must be a member of the Graduate Faculty and must be an expert in the subject of the dissertation. Please be aware that the unit may have additional committee requirements. Additional committee members may be appointed.
Chaplin School of Hospitality
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Cain | Lisa Nicole |
Chang | Howook (Sean) |
Cheng | Michael S.H. |
Hampton | Terry Michael |
Kitterlin | Miranda |
Lusby | Carolin |
Moll | Steven Vern |
Moreo | Andrew |
Tanke | Mary L. |
Zhao | Jinlin |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Ahmad | Imran |
Gump | Barry H. |
College of Arts, Sciences and Education
Biology | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Baraloto | Christopher |
Barbieri | Manuel Alejandro |
Boswell | Kevin M. |
Bracken-Grissom | Heather |
Butler IV | Mark |
Campbell | Justin |
Catenazzi | Alessandro |
Chapman | Demian D. |
Cox | Christian L. |
Crowl | Todd Alan |
DeGennaro | Matthew |
Dewsbury | Bryan |
Dorn | Nathan |
Eddy | Sarah L. |
Eirin-Lopez | Jose |
Fierst | Janna |
Fourqurean | James W. |
Francisco-Ortega | F. Javier |
Gaiser | Evelyn |
Gann | Daniel |
Harborne | Alastair |
Heithaus | Michael R. |
Kim | Lou |
Kiszka | Jeremy J. |
Kominoski | John |
Kos | Lidia |
Li | Jun |
Liberles | Jessica |
Malone | Sparkle L. |
Manning | Schonna Rachelle |
McCartney | Melissa |
Mills | DeEtta Kay |
Oberbauer | Steven F. |
Papastamatiou | Yannis |
Pienaar | Jason |
Roddy | Adam |
Rodriguez-Lanetty | Mauricio |
Santos Corujo | Rolando |
Serbus | Laura |
Simonsen | Anna |
Theobald | Jamie Carroll |
Valverde-Barrantes | Oscar |
Wartzok | Douglas |
Wells | Jeffrey D. |
Zhang | Yuying |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Algoulnik | Alexander I. |
Bellantuono | Anthony |
Collado Vides | Claudia Maria Ligia |
da Costa da Silva | Andre Luis |
Dinnage | Russell |
Duncan | George |
Duran | Alain |
Gavassa Becerra | Sat |
Gomes | Cristina |
Griffith | M. Patrick |
James | W. Ryan |
Jayachandran | Krishnaswamy |
Laughinghouse IV | Haywood Dail |
Lee | Steven |
Lewis | Carl |
Light | Michael John |
Liu | Hong |
Lorenz | Jerome J. |
Mansfield | Katherine L. |
Meerow | Alan William |
Mendel | Julian |
Naranjo | Andre |
Olivas | Paulo |
Rehage | Jennifer S. |
Reillo | Paul R. |
Ridgley | Frank N. |
Rosen | Barry P. |
Ross | Michael S. |
Shirley | Matthew H. |
Tempest | Helen Ghislaine |
Tieu | Kim |
Trexler | Joel |
Whitfield | Steven M. |
Whitman | Elizabeth |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Becker | David A. |
Berry | John P. |
Bukhryakov | Konstantin |
Cai | Yong |
Carmel | Justin |
Chatfield | David C. |
Chuvashova (Shaporeva) | Irina |
Dares | Christopher J. |
DeCaprio | Anthony P. |
DeGreeff | Lauryn |
Fernandez-Lima | Francisco A. |
Furton | Kenneth |
Gardinali | Piero R. |
Hackett | John |
Jaffe | Rudolf |
Joens | Jeffrey |
Kavallieratos | Konstantinos |
Lees | Watson James |
Leng | Fenfei |
Liu | Yuan |
Lopez De La Vega | Ramon |
McCord | Bruce R. |
Mebel | Alexander M. |
Miksovska | Jaroslava |
Miller Underwood | Sonia |
Moon | Joong-Ho |
O’Shea | Kevin |
Quirke | James M. |
Raptis | Raphael |
Soares Quinete | Natalia |
Tse-Dinh | Yuk-Ching |
Wang | Xiaotang |
Wnuk | Stanislaw |
Xiao | Yi |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Abbott | Karen L. |
Casado Zapico | Sara |
Kabir | Abuzar |
Lai | Cheng-yu |
Lichter | Joseph |
Rosen | Barry P. |
Tieu | Kim |
Counseling, Recreation, and School Psychology | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bang | Hyejin Jina |
Chang | Mido |
Garza | Tiberio |
Griffith | Shayl F. |
Kuntz | Aaron M. |
Lazarus | Philip |
Messina | Emily |
Pelaez-Nogueras | Martha |
Pham | Andy V. |
Pietrantoni | Zachary |
Prikhidko | Alena |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bradham-Cousar | Yolanda (Michelle) |
McGrath Fair | Christina |
Qiu | Yuxi |
Saul | Amelia |
Willoughby | Melody |
Earth and Environment | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Anderson | Elizabeth P. |
Anderson | William |
Balaji Bhaskar | Maruthi Sridhar |
Bhat | Mahadev |
Burgman | Robert Joseph |
Draper | Grenville |
Heinen | Joel |
Huang | Wei |
Jayachandran | Krishnaswamy |
Jenkins | Clinton |
Jiang | Haiyan |
Leatherman | Stephen P. |
Liu | Hong |
Macfarlane | Andrew W. |
Maurasse | Florentin J. |
Melesse | Assefa M. |
Mozumder | Pallab |
Olivas | Paulo C. |
Price | René M. |
Rand | Gary |
Rehage | Jennifer S. |
Ross | Michael S. |
Scinto | Leonard J. |
Sukop | Michael |
Troxler | Tiffany |
Wdowinski | Shimon |
Whitman | Dean |
Zhu | Ping |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Blanchard | Jesse |
Bokuniewicz | Henry |
Briceno | Henry O. |
Frankovich | Thomas |
Garcia-Martinez | Francisco R. |
Gebelein | Jennifer |
Haggerty | Stephen E. |
Harris | Brittany |
Juhasz | Levente |
Khoddamzadeh | Amir Ali |
Landsea | Christopher W. |
Meeder | John (Jack) |
Obeysekera | Jayantha |
Ogurcak | Danielle |
Parkinson | Randall |
Reed | Stewart T. |
Riach | James |
Robinson | Edward |
Rockwell | Cara Aileen |
Sah | Jay P. |
Santos Corujo | Rolando |
Shetty | Kateel G. |
Srimal | Neptune |
Teutonico | Rita |
Willoughby | Hugh E. |
Zawislak | Jonathan |
Educational Policy Studies | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Anderson | Emily |
Edwards | Kirsten |
Kundu | Anindya |
Landorf | Hilary |
Li | Amy Y. |
Reio | Thomas |
Robertson | Douglas |
Rocco | Tonette S. |
Saunders | Daniel B. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Goonen | Norma Martin |
Kolek | Ethan |
Kuntz | Ashley |
Lovett | Maria K. |
Meyer | Martha M. |
Rose | Courtney |
Schulze | Rebekah |
English | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Barrett | Lynne |
Blatt | Heather E. |
Cadle | Nathaniel |
Carter | Phillip |
Castro | Anne |
Christian | Shawn |
Daruwala | Maneck |
De Jesus Blanco | Ricardo |
Dean | Debra |
Dickson | Vernon |
Dufresne | John L. |
Duhamel | Denise |
Gillespie | Michael Patrick |
Harrison | Kimberly |
Hopkins | Tometro |
Hutchinson | Glenn |
Johnson | Kenneth E. |
Kelley | Mark |
Leger | Shewonda |
Luszczynska | Ana M. |
McGrath | Campbell |
Pearl | Jason H. |
Russell | Heather |
Schoolman | Martha |
Sohan | Vanessa Kraemer |
Standiford | Lester |
Strycharski | Andrew |
Sutton | James M. |
Thominet | Luke |
Thompson | Ellen |
Wade | Julie Marie |
Weir-Soley | Donna |
Yavas | Mehmet |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Amorim | Jacqueline |
Fang | Ming |
Gierczyk | Marta |
Grafals | Michael |
Martorana | Christine |
Menendez | Ana |
Trauvitch | Rhona |
Yacoub | Mohamed |
Yavas | Feryal |
Liberal Studies | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Raiford | Wanda |
Mathematics and Statistics | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bessaih | Hakima |
Cao | Chongsheng |
De Carli | Laura |
Draghici | Tedi |
Dryden | Ian |
Edward | Julian K. |
Fino | Anna |
Fuller | Edgar |
Gal | Ciprian |
George | Florence |
Grantcharov | Gueo V. |
Gulati | Sneh |
Guo | Yanqiu |
Huang | Kai |
Kafkoulis | George |
Kibria | B.M. Golam |
Leness | Thomas G. |
Li | Xiaosheng |
Mi | Jie |
Qin Li | Bao |
Ramsamujh | Taje I. |
Roudenko | Svetlana |
Rukimbira | Philippe |
SenGupta | Indranil |
Sun | Yuanchang |
Tachim Medjo | Theodore |
Tcheugoué Tébou | Louis Roder |
Villamor | Enrique |
Wang | Wei |
Wang | Zhongming |
Wu | Wensong |
Zahedi-Jasbi | Hassan |
Zweibel | John A. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Caglar | Umut |
Carballosa Torres | Walter |
Hermi | Lofti |
Mercer | Idris |
Tennenbaum | Stephen |
Watson | Charity |
Yotov | Mirroslav |
Philosophy | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Allen-Hermanson | Sean |
Aylsworth | Tim |
Beer | Michelle C.M. |
Leboeuf | Celine |
Marshall | Eugene |
Scarffe | Eric |
Warren | Paul |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Scarbrough | Elizabeth |
Xerohemona | Kiriake |
Physics | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Boeglin | Werner U. |
Bluck | Asa |
Chapagain | Prem |
Cosyn | Wim |
Darici | Yesim |
Gerstman | Bernard S. |
Guo | Lei |
He | Jin |
Kramer | Laird H. |
Laird | Angela R. |
Li | Hebin |
Li | Wenzhi |
Markowitz | Pete E. C. |
Narayanan | Rajamani |
Potvin | Geoff |
Raue | Brian |
Reinhold | Joerg |
Rodriguez | Jorge Luis |
Sargsian | Misak |
Simpson | Caroline E. |
Szumila-Vance | Holly |
Webb | James R. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Chuvashova (Shaporeva) | Irina |
Laird | Robert W. |
Rodriguez | Idaykis |
Psychology | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Allen | Timothy A. |
Bagner | Daniel M. |
Bahrick | Lorraine |
Bruk-Lee | Valentina |
Buitron | Victor Alberto |
Buzzell | George |
Charman | Steve D. |
Comer | Jonathan |
Dai | Yael |
Dick | Anthony Steven |
Eaton | Asia A. |
Evans | Jacqueline |
Fabiano | Gregory |
Fisher | Ronald |
Frazier | Leslie |
Frazier | Stacy L. |
Giusto | Ali |
Goldfarb | Deborah A. |
Gonzalez | Raul |
Graziano | Paulo |
Hart | Katie C. |
Hayes | Timothy |
Kenny | Maureen C. |
Lickliter | Robert |
Mattfeld | Aaron |
McMakin | Dana L. |
Musser | Erica |
Nelson | Eliza L. |
Ng | Mei Yi |
Parent | Justin |
Pettit | Jeremy W. |
Pruden | Shannon M. |
Raiker | Joseph |
Schreiber | Nadja |
Schwartz | Bennett |
Soto | Fabian A. |
Stephens | Dionne P. |
Sutherland | Matthew |
Timmons | Adela |
Trucco | Elisa Maria |
Valente | Matthew |
Viswesvaran | Vish C. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Allen | Leila |
Cigales | Maricel |
Fournier | Danielle |
Furr | Jami M. |
Hawes | Samuel |
Laird | Angela R. |
Loughrey | Tara |
McDowell | Logan |
Nichols-Lopez | Kristin |
Pedraza (Rodriguez) | Paloma |
Piscitello | Jennifer |
Reid | Maria |
Ritchie | Rachel |
Schatz | Nicole K. |
Todd | James |
Winter | Ryan |
Teaching and Learning | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Barbetta | Patricia |
Bennett | Kyle |
Bigliasi | Marcelo |
Bleiker | Charles |
Christ | Rebecca |
Cramer | Elizabeth |
Cumming | Michelle |
Dare | Emily |
Dou | Remy |
Fernandez | Maria L. |
Gadge | Uma |
Hazari | Zahra Sana |
King | Barbara Anne |
Kostrna | Jason Ritchie |
Lynch | Jacqueline |
Mathews | Sarah A. |
Pontier | Ryan W. |
Salmon | Angela |
Thirunarayanan | M.O. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Adelman | Andrea |
Baralt | Melissa |
Brewe | Eric |
Butler | Alexander |
Fain | Stephen |
Fenu Foerch | Daniela |
Gonzalez | Liana |
Iuspa | Flavia |
Landorf | Hilary |
McIntyre-McCullough | Keisha |
Mirabal | Jennifer |
Monslvatge | Laura |
Pérez-Prado | Aixa |
Simpson | Alfred |
Tsalikis | Maria |
Watson | Lafayette Trey |
Women’s and Gender Studies | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Burns | Vicki |
Mayora | R. Gabriel |
Moura-Kocoglu | Michaela |
Alvah H. Chapman, Jr., Graduate School of Business
School of Accounting | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Barua | Abhijit |
Bianchi | Pietro |
Harris | Erica |
Huang | Xiaochuan |
Milian | Jonathan |
Myring | Mark |
Raghunandan | K. |
Rama | Dasaratha |
Smith | Antoinette |
Surysekar | Krishnamurthy |
Tang | Minye (Michael) |
Vulcheva | Maria |
Wheatley | Clark M. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Henry | Kenneth |
Finance | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Alldredge | Dallin |
Barber | Joel |
Caglayan | Mustafa Onur |
Chou | Wen-Hsiu (Julia) |
Dandapani | Krishnan |
Docgne-Penlap | Sandrine |
Duarte | Diogo |
Dupoyet | Brice |
Hamid | Shahid S. |
Jang | Karen Y. |
Jessell | Kenneth A. |
Jiang | Xiaoquan |
Kang | Qiang |
Lawrence | Edward R. |
Mishra | Suchismita |
Oztekin | Ozde |
Parhizgari | Ali M. |
Rouxelin | Florent |
Upadhyay | Arun D. |
Wang | Minho |
Zdanowicz | John |
Zhang | Liang |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Butchey | Deanne |
Gungoraydinogluis | Ali |
Lasaga | Manuel |
Global Leadership and Management | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Buckman | Brooke |
Deckard | Gloria J. |
Gajendran | Ravi |
Gómez | Carolina |
Hiller | Nathan J. |
Jones | Kisha |
Kapadia | Chaitali |
Larson | Lindsay |
Maidique | Modesto A. |
Sanchez | Juan I. |
Sin | Hock-Peng |
Zhan | Yuhan |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Rodriguez | Robert C. |
Weinstein | Marc |
Information Systems and Business Analytics | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Aguirre-Urretta | Miguel |
Batra | Dinesh |
Bouayad | Lina |
Chen | Min |
Chen | Yan |
Cousins | Karlene |
Esmaeil Zadeh | Pouyan |
Gomes | Paulo J. |
Guha | Samayita |
Gupta | Manjul |
Gupta | Sushil |
Hah | Hyeyoung |
Hertelendy | Attila |
Kadian | Arjun |
Koulamas | Christos |
Kyparisis | George J. |
Lee | Jong Youl |
Liang | Xueping |
Marakas | George M. |
Mirzaei | Tala |
Schuetz | Sebastian |
Sengupta | Arijit |
Subramanian | Hemang |
Talukder | Byomkesh |
VanderMeer | Debra |
Wu | Anqi |
Xia | Weidong |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Ellis | Steven |
Parra | Carlos M. |
Polak | Peter |
International Business | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Chacar | Aya S. |
Fainshmidt | Stav |
Guldiken | Orhun |
Kumaraswamy | Arun |
Kundu | Sumit K. |
Morris Lampert | Curba |
Newburry | William E. |
Parente | Ronaldo |
Paul | Karen |
Prud’homme | Daniel Gerard |
Walumbwa | Ochieng |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Castillo | Alfred |
Gonzalez | Maria Cristina |
Gooden | Doreen J. |
Pissaris | Seema |
Rao | Dileep |
Shoja | Amin |
Wernick | David A. |
Marketing and Logistics | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bahadir | Suleyman Cem |
Chapman | Lennay |
Dickson | Peter R. |
Dorsey | Joshua |
Garcia-Dastugue | Sebastian |
Lassar | Walfried M. |
Lee | Jae Hoon |
Miyazaki | Anthony D. |
Patrucco | Andrea |
Rodriguez | Alexandra |
Sinha | Jayati |
Ta | Ha |
Taylor | Kimberly A. |
Tsalikis | John |
Usman | Umair |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Austin | L. Craig |
Chen | Yi-Ju (Vivian) |
Garcia | Maria M. |
Guess | Wendy |
Maloney | Gregory |
Mesia | Ronald |
Pietraszek | Anna |
Richmond | Nancy |
Tanenbaum | Jaclyn |
Tibor and Sheila Hollo School of Real Estate | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Beracha | Eli |
D’Lima | Walter |
Fang | Lu |
Hardin | William G. |
Lin | Zhenguo |
Milcheva | Stanimira |
Thibodeau | Mark |
Wu | Zhonghua |
College of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Architecture | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Andia | Alfredo |
Balug | Katarzyna |
Canavés | Jaime |
Chandler | Jason R. |
Gelpi | Nicholas |
Goldemberg | Eric M. |
Leach | Desmond Neil |
Nepomechie | Marilys R. |
Rosales | Camilo |
Silva | Elisa |
Spiegelhalter | Thomas |
Stuart | John A. |
Sturtevant | Elliott |
Vassigh | Shahin |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Marine | Mark |
Nedev | Nikoaly |
Rueda Coronel | Henry |
Art and Art History | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Arpad-Cotta | Tori |
Chang | David |
Guernsey | Daniel |
Kolasinski | Jacek Jerzy |
Printz | Jennifer |
Scicluna | Thomas |
Toosi | Fereshteh |
Watts | Barbara J. |
Yi | Lidu |
Zellmer Bellas | Benjamin |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Pease | Silvia |
Perez | Jonathan |
Communication | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Ashley | Rokeshia Renne |
Desrayaud | Nathalie |
Kashian | Nicole C. |
Kopenhaver | Lillian Lodge |
Liu | Yu |
Park | David J. |
Wang | Weirui |
Zhou | Chun |
Interior Architecture | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Abbott | Philip D. |
Moshaver | Sam |
Journalism and Media | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Ferreira | Leonardo |
Jacobson | Susan |
Veraldi | Lorna |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Ponte | Teresa L. |
Landscape Architecture | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Chamorro | Linda |
Ozer | Ebru |
School of Music | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Adorno | Sandra S. |
Alston | Brenton |
Berglin | Jacob |
Cooper | Patrick Kenneth |
Davenport | Candice |
Davidovici | Robert |
Dolata | David |
Dundas | Robert B. |
Eckroth | Michael |
Fuller | Karen Seoane |
Galand | Joel |
Garcia | Orlando Jacinto |
Gekic | Kemal |
Kelley | Jamey |
López | José Raúl |
Matthusen | Paula |
Mendoza | Javier |
Millard | Erynn M. |
Sudol | Jacob David |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Arias | Javier |
Calloway | Jason |
Diaz | Rebekah |
Green | Paul |
Khare | Vindhya |
Kirsten | Janet Duguay |
Klotz | Michael |
Littley de Arias | Marcia |
Ousley | Larry James |
Ozgen | Mesut |
Padron | Rafael |
Vitenson | Michael |
Theatre | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Covey | Rebecca |
de Guzman | Olivia |
Galaska | Anthony |
Huffnagle | Melvin P. |
Ivey | Jennifer Rose |
Murray | Joel Kevin |
Packard | Justin |
Pareja | Marina C. |
Timlick | Lesley-Ann |
Yawney | Michael P. |
College of Engineering and Computing
Biomedical Engineering | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Danziger | Zachary |
Godavarty | Anuradha |
Hutcheson | Joshua D. |
Jiao | Shuliang |
Lin | Wei-Chiang |
McGoron | Anthony |
Prasad | Anamika |
Pulugurtha | Markondeyaraj |
Ramaswamy | Sharan |
Ramella-Roman | Jessica |
Riera-Diaz | Jorge J. |
Shandra | Oleksii |
Tsoukias | Nikolaos |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Adjouadi | Malek |
Barreto | Armando B. |
Christie | Michael |
Gulec | Seza |
Miller McPherson | Laura |
Mukhopadhyay | Rita |
Munroe | Norman |
Nair | Madhavan |
Rosen | Barry P. |
Tempest | Helen Ghislaine |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Alluri | Priyanka |
Azizinamini | Atorod |
Chang | Carlos |
Chowdhury | Arindam Gan |
Ebrahimian | Ali |
Elawady | Amal |
Fuentes | Hector R. |
Gan | Albert (Cheng-Tin) |
Hadi | Mohammed A. |
Jin | Xia |
Laha | Shonali |
Lau | Kingsley |
Lee | Seung Jae |
Leon | Arturo |
Mehrabi | Armin |
Misra | Anil |
Nofal | Omar |
Tang | Walter Z. |
Tansel | Berrin |
Vatankhah | Hooman |
Zisis | Ioannis |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bernardo Bricker | Anna |
Gudavalli | Ravi |
Hazenberg | Pieter |
Katsenovich | Yelena |
Lagos | Leonel E. |
Martinez | Cora |
Melesse | Assefa M. |
Permeh | Samanbar |
Simiu | Emil |
Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Akkaya | Kemal |
Amini | Mohammadhadi |
Bhimani | Janki |
Bobadilla | Leonardo |
Carbunar | Bogdan |
Chen | Dong |
Chen | Shu-Ching |
Clarke | Peter J. |
Finlayson | Mark A. |
He | Xudong |
Hoque | Endadul |
Iyengar | Sitharama S. |
Jha | Sumit Kumar |
Kharraz | Mohammadamin |
Lisetti | Christine L. |
Liu | Xiaowen (Jason) |
Luo | Dongsheng |
Mondal | Ananda Mohan |
Narasimhan | Giri |
Pan | Deng |
Pissinou | Niki |
Poellabauer | Christian |
Polyzou | Agoritsa |
Prabakar | Nagarajan |
Rangaswami | Raju |
Ren | Shaolei |
Rishe | Naphtali David |
Sadjadi | Seyed-Masoud |
Saeed | Fahad |
Sha | Mo |
Shirani Chaharsooghi | Farhad |
Sun | Ruimin |
Uluagac | Arif Selcuk |
Wang | Xuyu |
Weiss | Mark A. |
Wu | Yanzhao |
Xie | Ning |
Zhang | Wenbin |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Adjouadi | Malek |
Akbar | Rehan |
Bahreini | Kiavash |
Ben Ahmed | Kaoutar |
Cickovski | Trevor |
Gholamiboroujeni | Kianoush |
Ibarra | Julio |
Malik | Hafiz Abid Mahmood |
McDermott-Wells | Patricia |
Ocal | Mustafa |
Rehman | Abdul Gilal |
Reis | Gregory |
Waqas | Ahmad |
Zad | Samira |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Adjouadi | Malek |
Alwan | Elias A. |
Andrian | Jean H. |
Bai | Ou |
Barreto | Armando B. |
Bhansali | Shekhar |
Cabrerizo | Mercedes |
Deng | Hai |
Georgakopoulos | Stavros V. |
Hodges | Deidra |
Khizroev | Sakhrat |
Krasnok | Aleksandr |
Larkins | Grover L. |
Madanayake | Arjuna |
Mohamed | Ahmed Salah Ibrahim |
Mohammad | Osama |
Pala | Nezih |
Paudyal | Sumit |
Perez-Pons | Alexander |
Pozdin | Vladimir A. |
Quan | Gang |
Rahman | Md Tauhidur |
Rahman | Mohammad |
Roig | Gustavo |
Sarwat | Arif I. |
Shawkat | Mst Shamim Ara |
Urban | Frank |
Volakis | John L. |
Yen | Kang |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Agarwal | Arvind |
Akkaya | Kemal |
Alam | Mohammed Shah |
Arellano | Wilmer |
Chen | Shu-Ching |
Choi | Wonbong |
Du | Yu |
Islam | Md Shafiul |
Lin | Wei-Chiang |
McGoron | Anthony |
Munroe | Norman |
Pavlidis | Dimitris |
Piscitello | Jennifer |
Pissinou | Niki |
Pulugurtha | Markondeyaraj |
Rishe | Naphtali David |
Tansel | Berrin |
Tansel | Ibrahim N. |
Tomitaka | Asahi |
Tsoukias | Nikolaos |
Uluagac | Arif Selcuk |
Upadhyay | Himanshu D. |
Venkatakrishnan | Satheesh Bojja |
Zekios | Konstantinos |
Engineering Management | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Lee | Shih-ming (Ted) |
Rezapour | Shabnam |
Mechanical and Materials Engineering | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Agarwal | Arvind |
Boesl | Benjamin P. |
Boymelgreen | Alicia |
Cao | Yiding |
Chen | Jiuhua |
Cheng | Zhe |
Dickerson | Darryl Athos |
Mardanpour | Pezhman |
McDaniel | Dwayne |
Munroe | Norman |
Radu | Daniela R. |
Tallman | Aaron |
Tansel | Ibrahim N. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Aravelli | Aparna |
Choi | Wonbong |
Drozd | Vadym |
Durygin | Andriy |
El-Zahab | Bilal |
Hamrani | Abderrachid |
Lai | Cheng-yu |
Paul | Tanaji |
Thomas | Tony |
Tremante | Andres |
Zhang | Cheng |
Moss Department of Construction Management | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Elzomor | Mohamed |
Faria | Jose A. |
Lagos | Leonel |
Orabi | Wallied |
Pradhananga | Nipesh |
Sadri | Arif Mohaimin |
Zhu | Ruhne |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Morad | Ayman |
Ramsey | David |
Sam | Mahya |
Subedi | Sudip |
Wang | Lufan |
School of Universal Computing, Construction & Engineering Education | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Berhane | Bruk |
Cardella | Monica E. |
Coso Strong | Alexandra |
Delaine | David Antoine |
Fletcher | Trina |
Lunn | Stephanie Jill |
Secules | Stephen |
College of Law
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Ansah | Tawia |
Carpenter | Eric |
Choudhury | Cyra Akila |
Erwin | John Alexander |
Esquirol | Jorge L. |
Gabilondo | Jose M. |
Mirow | Matthew C. |
Moren | Joelle Anne |
Roman | Ediberto |
Travis | Hannibal |
Wasserman | Howard M. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Gomez | Juan C. |
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Aggarwal | Saurabh |
Black | Stephen |
Cendan | Juan Carlos |
Chuong | Michael |
Dimitroff | Charles J. |
El-Hage | Nazira |
Franco | Maria Clara |
Gutierrez | Alonso Navar |
Kim | Kyung Bo |
Marciano | David |
Nefzi | Adel |
Rosen | Barry P. |
Sackstein | Robert |
Unwalla | Hoshang |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Barengo | Noel C. |
Bibevski | Steven |
Brown Chandler | Kevin |
Cao | Qi Lin |
Estevez | Alvaro G. |
Garba | Nana Aisha |
Lakshmana | Madepalli |
Liu | Ying |
Mansour | Heidi |
Pandeya | Dipendra |
Ramella-Roman | Jessica |
Rodriguez Martinez | Myosotys |
Vaidean | Georgeta |
Varella | Marcia |
Vashist | Arti |
Wang | Ting |
Weiler | Tracey |
Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Athletic Training | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Doherty-Restrepo | Jennifer |
Konin | Jeffrey |
Kutz | Matthew |
Martinez | Rodrigo |
Odai | Michelle |
Communication Sciences and Disorders | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Alfano | Alliete |
Granese | Angela |
Medina | Angela |
Pavelko | Stacey Lynn |
Sommer | Chelsea |
Strauss Hough | Monica |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Mead | Jean S. |
Muñoz | Mariateresa (Teri) H. |
Health Services Administration | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Young-Whiting | Chanadra |
Nurse Anesthesia | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Alfonso | Fernando |
Campbell | Yasmine |
Diaz | Valerie |
Miller | Ann |
Stevens | Dennis |
Gonzalez | Vicente |
Valdes | Jorge |
Nursing | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Brown | Ellen L. |
Buscemi | Charles P. |
Caicedo | Carmen |
Fenkl | Eric A. |
Gaillard | Trudy |
Gracia Jones | Sandra |
Hannan | Jean |
Paul-Ward | Amy R. |
Phillips | Suzanne |
Thomas | Tami L. |
Witt Sherman | Deborah |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Barfield | Latisha |
Bouffard Dlugasch | Lucie |
Brenes | Francisco |
Cardena-Alencar | Maritza |
Chadwell | Katherine L. |
Delgado | Victor |
Diez Sampedro | Ana |
Framil | Carmen |
Goldin | Deana |
Gordon | Vanessa |
Grana | Antonella |
Hidalgo | Ivette |
Holness | Nola |
LaCroix | Tamara |
Maltseva | Tatayana |
Miller | Audrey |
Newman Giger | Joyce |
Olafson | Elizabeth |
Roche | Rosa M. |
Sanchez | Michael |
Sherman | Dana |
Vera | Christina |
Occupational Therapy | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Carson | Tana |
Modlin | Ellen |
Paul-Ward | Amy R. |
Richard | Lynne |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Abdel-Moty | Alma R. |
Mojica | Rebbeca |
Physical Therapy | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Clemens | Sheila |
Cornely | Helen Z. |
Gadotti | Inae Caroline |
Nunez-Gaunaurd | Annabel |
Rossi | Mark D. |
Ramos Vieira | Edgar |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Alvarez | Erasmo |
Butler | Lauren |
Capote | David |
Muñecas | Teresa |
Roberts | Lisa |
Thomas | Amanda |
Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work
Biostatistics | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bursac | Zoran |
Hu | Nan |
Ibrahimou | Boubakari |
Li | Tan |
Odom | Gabriel |
Wang | Xuexia |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Hospital | Michelle M. |
Veledar | Emir |
Dietetics and Nutrition | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Baum | Marianna K. |
Coccia | Catherine |
Hartlieb | Kathryn Elizabeth Brogan |
Henfridsson | Pia |
Hernandez | Jacqueline Susan |
Liuzzi | Juan P. |
Narayanan | Vijaya |
Palacios | Cristina |
Sales Martinez | Sabrina |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Himburg | Susan P. |
Mikati | Nadine |
Environmental Health Sciences | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Andreescu | Emanuela Silvana |
Azzam | Diana |
Cao | Qi Lin |
Chambers | Jeremy |
Felty | Quentin |
Guilarte | Tomas |
Liu | Ying |
Lucchini | Roberto |
Mansour | Heidi |
Tieu | Kim |
Wang | Ting |
Xia | Xugang |
Zhou | Hongxia |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Deoraj | Alok |
Epidemiology | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Ahmed | Nasar U. |
Ibañez | Gladys |
Maziak | Wasim |
Osibogun | Olatokunbo |
Pekovic | Vukosava |
Sheehan | Diana M. |
Trepka | Mary Jo |
Ward | Melissa |
Global Health | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Talukder | Byomkesh |
Trujillo Orrego | Natalia |
Health Policy and Management | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Arrieta | Alejandro |
Chowdhury | Rajiv |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Adler | Jessica |
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bastida | Elena M. |
Carrico | Adam Wayne |
Dévieux | Jessy G. |
Mitchell | Jason W. |
Rojas | Patria |
Sanchez | Mariana |
School of Social Work | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Beaulaurier | Richard |
Burke | Shanna L. |
Castillo | Berenice |
De La Rosa | Mario |
Fava | Nicole M. |
Fernandez | Sofia B. |
Gil | Andres G. |
Kaushik | Shivani |
Macgowan | Mark J. |
Potocky | Miriam |
Wagner | Eric F. |
Wilson | Courtney |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Boren | Shedrick |
Morris | Staci |
Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs
Asian Studies | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Breslin | Thomas A. |
Carter | Mitzi |
Choi | Young Rae |
Heine | Steven |
Marr | Matthew D. |
Pan | Keyao |
Yi | Lidu |
Zeng | Jin |
Center for Labor Research and Studies | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bernier | Judith |
Criminology and Criminal Justice | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Cohn | Ellen G. |
D’Alessio | Stewart J. |
Flexon | Jamie L. |
Goddard | Tim |
Guerette | Rob T. |
Kakar | Suman |
Kutateladze | Besiki Luka |
Pires | Stephen F. |
Salas | Luis P. |
Stolzenberg | Lisa |
Zgoba | Kristen |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Blanfort | Candice |
Chang | Rosa E. |
Elink-Schuurman-Laura | Kristin |
Hyman Gregory | Amy |
Shields | Theodore |
Vincent-Robinson | Carleen |
Economics | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bahadir | Berrak |
Bidarkota | Prasad V. |
Bull | Jesse |
Guo | Sheng |
Karayalcin | Cem |
Matsuda | Norihiko |
Miyagiwa | Kaz |
Pfutze | Tobias |
Pintea | Mihaela Iulia |
Shonchoy | Abu |
Wright | Nicholas |
Yilmazkuday | Hakan |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Bhat | Mahadev |
Dupoyet | Brice |
Mozumder | Pallab |
Global and Sociocultural Studies | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Borenstein | Hannah Rose |
Choi | Young Rae |
Duany | Jorge |
Erazo | Juliet S. |
Girard | Chris |
Grenier | Guillermo |
Grove | Kevin J. |
Hollander | Gail Marjorie |
Kincaid | Archibald |
Lai | Qing |
Levenson | Zachary Brett |
Lowery | Shearon A. |
Mahler | Sarah |
Marr | Matthew D. |
Neumann | Roderick P. |
Norris Smith | Benjamin |
Oslender | Ulrich |
Padilla | Mark B. |
Queeley | Andrea |
Rahier | Jean |
Reid | Genevieve |
Rodriguez Madera | Sheilla L. |
Tardanico | Richard |
Vara-Diaz | Nelson M. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Akkaya | Aslihan |
Carter | Mitzi |
Gonzalez | Ricardo M. |
Nicholas | Tekla |
Wiedman | Dennis |
History | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Aderinto | Saheed Adeniyi |
Adler | Jessica |
Capo | Julio Cesar |
Davies | Gwyn |
Friedman | Rebecca |
Gibbs | Jenna M. |
Johnson | M. Sherry |
Jones | Hilary |
Lilic | Vladislav |
Lipartito | Kenneth J. |
Mas | Catherine |
Otovo | Okezi T. |
Pan | Keyao |
Peterson | Terrence G. |
Premo | Bianca |
Salvatore | Ricardo |
Terry-Roisin | Elizabeth |
Uribe-Uran | Victor M. |
Verna | Chantalle Francesca |
Wood | Kirsten E. |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Cornelius-Diallo | Alexandra |
Mansilla | Judith |
Maxwell | Lindsey |
Reill | Peter H. |
Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Studies | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Athayde | Simone |
Cruz | Jose Miguel |
Hoberman | Gabriela |
Jenkins | Clinton |
Pereira | Anthony |
Solis | Luis G. |
Modern Languages | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Baralt | Melissa |
Bécel | Pascale |
Camayd-Freixas | Erik |
Da Silva Fernandes | Eugenia Magnolia |
Exford | Jazmine Lashay |
Fanta | Andrea |
Filgueras-Gomez | Maria Luisa |
Gavioli | Nicola |
Gómez | María Asunción |
Juan-Navarro | Santiago |
Rosario | Medardo |
Sales | Olivier R. |
Silverman | Renee M. |
Watson | Maida |
Politics and International Relations | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Barder | Alexander D. |
Breslin | Thomas A. |
Clark | John F. |
Cox | Ronald W. |
Dinar | Shlomi |
Evans | Kevin A. |
Fatovic | Clement |
Gamarra | Eduardo |
Gould | Harry |
Kostadinova | Tatiana P. |
Levitt | Barry Steven |
Lob | Eric |
Makse | Todd |
Martin | Felix E. |
Mattes | Kyle |
Messbahi | Mohiaddin |
Mora | Frank |
Moreno | Dario |
Oates | John G. |
Oceno | Marzia |
Olson | Richard S. |
Pereira | Anthony W. |
Rosenberg | Mark |
Steinmetz | Aliica |
Stiehm | Judith |
Thiel | Markus |
Zeng | Jin |
Zwingel | Susanne |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Akhtar | Iqbal |
Arraras | Astrid |
Glab | Edward Walter |
Sarduy | Naisy |
Verna | Chantalle Francesca |
Washington | Marcie |
Public Policy and Administration | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Ali | Susannah Bruns |
Cheng | Shaoming |
Choi | Nicole Yoon |
Emel Ganapati | Nazife |
Frank | Howard |
Ganapati | Sukumar |
Johnson | Donavon Antoney Johnnaton |
Kang | Hyewon |
Kroll | Alexander |
Neshkova | Milena I. |
Newman | Meredith |
Revell | Keith |
Whetsell | Travis |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Caraballo | Agatha |
Patterson | Valerie |
Religious Studies | |
Tenure/Tenure Earning | |
Last Name | First Name |
Akhtar | Iqbal |
Bauman | Whitney |
Grenier | Carlos |
Heine | Steven |
Larson | Erik |
Northup | Lesley |
Parfitt | Tudor |
Restifo | Aleksandra |
Stier | Oren Baruch |
Wuaku | Albert |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Gonzalez | Jeffery |
Administrative Units
StartUP FIU | |
Affiliated/Courtesy/NTE | |
Last Name | First Name |
Hacker | Robert |