Introductory Workshop: Motivating & Elevating Our Student Through Inclusive Teaching


Inclusive teaching is a student-centered pedagogical approach that identifies and nurtures students' cultural identities and strengths to promote and sustain student learning. During this interactive workshop participants will explore the concept of inclusive teaching and its influence on student learning and achievement, identify practices and strategies for fostering and sustaining culturally responsive teaching and learning […]

Advanced Workshop: Beyond the Basics: Applying empathy and humility as an approach to inclusive teaching


This workshop will focus on practicing empathy and humility with our students, as an approach to inclusive teaching. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to describe specific teaching strategies that enhance flexibility within a course while still instilling the importance of professionalism. They will also be able to identify useful strategies […]

Cultivating Attention in a Brain Hardwired for Distraction


What contributes to our students' difficulties paying attention? How can we create a learning environment that cultivates their attention and, consequently, their learning? In this workshop grounded in new research, you will consider what technology policy may work best for your course, how to effectively communicate the policy to your students, and how to build […]

Cultivating Attention in a Brain Hardwired for Distraction


What contributes to our students' difficulties paying attention? How can we create a learning environment that cultivates their attention and, consequently, their learning? In this workshop grounded in new research, you will consider what technology policy may work best for your course, how to effectively communicate the policy to your students, and how to build […]

Evidence-Based Teaching: Collecting & using data from students to inform our teaching


The Evidence-Based Teaching Workshop will provide faculty with the knowledge and tools they need to collect data from their students on their teaching and learning. Participants will also learn about ways to translate that data into actionable feedback they can use to improve their teaching and course design. Facilitated by Shenira Perez, Assistant Director, Center […]

Evidence-Based Teaching: Collecting & using data from students to inform our teaching


The Evidence-Based Teaching Workshop will provide faculty with the knowledge and tools they need to collect data from their students on their teaching and learning. Participants will also learn about ways to translate that data into actionable feedback they can use to improve their teaching and course design. Facilitated by Shenira Perez, Assistant Director, Center […]

Introduction to Feedback Box


Want to know what your students are thinking throughout the semester? Collecting student feedback in your courses can provide useful insights into your teaching practices and be a source of data for teaching evaluation. Feedback Box, a safe and anonymous tool for collecting student feedback within Canvas, can be a great way to get started […]

Introduction to Feedback Box


Want to know what your students are thinking throughout the semester? Collecting student feedback in your courses can provide useful insights into your teaching practices and be a source of data for teaching evaluation. Feedback Box, a safe and anonymous tool for collecting student feedback within Canvas, can be a great way to get started […]

Transparent Assignment Workshop: Time to Implement


Transparent assignments clarify tasks, goals, and expectations for students by offering the why, when, and how of each assignment; can increase student motivation, academic confidence, sense of belonging, and learning; and reduce the need for multiple clarification emails. During this two-hour workshop, participants will review the transparent assignment template, draft an assignment using the template, […]

Motivating and Engaging All Students Through Inclusive Teaching Practices


Inclusive teaching is a student-centered pedagogical approach that identifies and nurtures students' cultural identities and strengths to promote and sustain student learning. During this interactive, 90-minute workshop, participants will explore the concept of culturally responsive teaching and its influence on student learning and achievement, identify practices and strategies for fostering and sustaining culturally responsive teaching […]

Beyond the Basics: Applying Empathyand Humility as an Approach to Inclusive Teaching


This interactive, 90-minute workshop will focus on practicing empathy and humility with our students, as an approach to inclusive teaching. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to describe specific teaching strategies that enhance flexibility within a course while still instilling the importance of professionalism. They will also be able to identify […]

The Science of Emotions: Enhancing Student Learning and Motivation


Discover how emotions drive motivation, learning, and long-term retention in the classroom. Join our on-demand workshop to delve into the cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and education research around emotions and learning, and gain practical insights into leveraging emotions for enhanced pedagogical impact. Participants will explore innovative classroom practices and activities that turn this research into transformative […]